Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapt or Unwrapped?

awaiting ascension

Rapture update: 

For >1/2 the world the beam is a bust.

What is the opposite of enraptured? Unraptured? Unwraptured? Whatever, terminology needs to be decided on because it seems the end of the world is a bust, for much of the world anyway.

Or perhaps not. Nicholas Kristof,!/nickkristof tweeted from Calcutta that he didn't get breakfast because the hotel staff had all been beamed up. Huh. They must have had some amazing karma because he posted about 9 hours ahead of schedule! That is impressive. And the Family Radio web site is unreachable, sooooo.....stay tuned (evidently not to Family Radio, though).

Maybe there are more ascensions than we know. After all, Camping said 200 million "believers" would be raptured. Out of about 6.92 billion that means, what? 2/70 or 1/35 have ascension potential. Some may be kicked back as they start heavenward, but we'll not bother to estimate that number and stay with the 1/35. That sounds like a lot, but if you take into account that Camping's believers are probably not randomly distributed across the population many of us probably know no one who has beaming potential. In fact, these people may just all know one another, so there will be no one to notice that they are gone, except for the guests in that Calcutta hotel.

There is another problem, of course, one that received much less media attention, but is critical to this issue. Stephen Hawking says that heaven is "a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." "Hawking on Heaven's Door," Times of India So, if he is right then Camping's prediction is fatally flawed. No heaven, nowhere to ascend to. Grounded.

And a final note (not final final for me, perpetually & decidedly unwraptured), as we await 6 pm on the east coast, advice given to a friend when she told someone she was headed skyward, "your halo is around your ankles, so don't trip!"

Photo credit:
Halos and tiaras